Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kali Maa

ॐ आद्याय विद्महे
परमेश्वराय धीमही।
तन्नो काली प्रचोदयात्॥

om ādyāya vidmahe
parameśvarāya dhīmahī |
tanno kālī pracodayāt ||

ॐ कालि कालि महाकलि कालिके पापहारिणी।
धर्मार्थमोक्षदे देवि नारायणि नमोऽस्तुते॥

om kāli kāli mahākali kālike pāpahāriṇī |
dharmārthamokṣade devi nārāyaṇi namo'stute ||


  1. 100 Names of Maha Kali

    Mahakali Jagadhatri (creator of the world)
    Jaganmata ( mother of the world) Jaganmayi (consisting of the world)
    Jagadamba (world mother)
    Jagatsara (essence of the world)
    Jagadanandakarini (cause of bliss in the world)
    Jagadvighnasini (destroyer of world obstacles)
    Gauri (golden one)
    Dukhadaridyanashini (destroyer of unhappiness and poverty)
    Bhairavabhavini Bhavananta Sarasvataprada (bestower of eloquence)
    Chaturvargaprada (giver of the four aims)
    Sadhvi (holy)
    Sarvamangalamangala (greatest fortune of all)
    Bhadrakali Vilakshi Kamadatri (giving desires)
    Kalatmika (self of kalas)Nilavani (blue Sarasvati)
    Mahagaurasarvanga (greatly golden in all limbs)
    Sundaripara (supremely beautiful)
    Sarvasampatprada (giver of all prosperity)
    Bhimanadini (sounding terrifying)
    Varavarnini Vararoha Shivaruha (riding Shiva)
    Mahishasuradhatini Shivapujya (worshipped by Shiva)
    Shivaprita (loved by Shiva)
    Danavendraprapujita (worshipped by Danavas)
    Sarvavidyamayi (consisting of all vidya)
    Sarvasarvabhisthaphalaprada (giver of the fruit of every possible desire) Komalangi (soft of limbs)
    Vidhatri (creatrix)
    Vidhatrivaradayini (giver of boons in creation)
    Purnenduvadana (with a face like the full moon)
    Nilameghavarna (the colour of a blue rain-cloud)
    Kapalini Kurukulla Viprachitta Kantachitta Madonmada (drunk with desire)
    Matangi (elephant lady) Madanaprita Madaghurnitalochana (eyes full of desire) Madottirna Kharparasinaramundavilasini Naramundasraja (with a necklace of men's heads)
    Devi Khadgahasta (holding a cleaver)
    Bhayanaka (giving fear)
    Attahasayuta (laughing loudly)
    Padma (lotus)
    Padmaragopashobhita Karabhayaprada (hand removing fear)
    Kali Kalaratrisvarupini (true form of the night of time)
    Svadha Svaha Vashatkara Saradindusamaprabha Sharatjyotsna (light of the autumn moon)
    Samhlada Viparitaratatura (addicted to taking the superior sexual role)
    Muktakeshi (dishevelled of hair)
    Chinnajata Jatajutavilasini Sarvarajayutabhima Sarvarajoparisthata Shmashanstha (dwelling in the cremation ground)
    Mahanandistuta (praised by Mahanandi)
    Samdiptalochana Shavasanarata (addicted to the corpse asana)
    Nanda Siddhacharanasevita (served by Siddhacharas)
    Balidanapriya (fond of sacrifice)
    Garbha (the womb)
    Bhurbhuvasvahsvarupini (true form of Bhurbhuvahsvar)
    Gayatri Savitri MahanilasarasvatiLakshmirlakshanasamyukta (showing all the signs of Lakshmi)
    Sarvalakshanalakshita (having every single characteristic)
    Vyaghracharmavrita (wearing tiger skin)
    Madhya Trivalivalayanchita Gandharvaihsamstutasa (praised by the Gandharvas)
    Inda Mahapara (greatly supreme one)
    Pavitra Parama (supreme)

    (lovingly stolen from - )

  2. ॥ आद्या स्तोत्रम्॥
    ॐ नम आद्यायै।
    शृणु वत्स प्रवक्ष्यामि आद्या स्तोत्रं महाफलम्‌।
    यः पठेत्‌ सततं भक्त्या स एव विष्णुवल्लभः॥ १॥
    मृत्युर्व्याधिभयं तस्य नास्ति किञ्चित्‌ कलौ युगे।
    अपुत्रा लभते पुत्रं त्रिपक्षं श्रवणं यदि॥ २॥
    द्वौ मासौ बन्धनान्मुक्ति विप्रर्वक्त्रात्‌ श्रुतं यदि।
    मृतवत्सा जीववत्सा षण्मासं श्रवणं यदि॥ ३॥
    नौकायां सङ्कटे युद्धे पठनाज्जयमाप्नुयात्‌।
    लिखित्वा स्थापयेद्‌गेहे नाग्निचौरभयं क्वचित्‌॥ ४॥
    राजस्थाने जयी नित्यं प्रसन्नाः सर्वदेवता।
    ॐ ह्रीं ब्रह्माणी ब्रह्मलोके च वैकुण्ठे सर्वमङ्गला॥ ५॥
    इन्द्राणी अमरावत्यामविका वरुणालये।
    यमालये कालरूपा कुबेरभवने शुभा॥ ६॥
    महानन्दाग्निकोने च वायव्यां मृगवाहिनी।
    नैऋत्यां रक्तदन्ता च ऐशाण्यां शूलधारिणी॥ ७॥
    पाताले वैष्णवीरूपा सिंहले देवमोहिनी।
    सुरसा च मणीद्विपे लङ्कायां भद्रकालिका॥ ८॥
    रामेश्वरी सेतुबन्धे विमला पुरुषोत्तमे।
    विरजा औड्रदेशे च कामाक्ष्या नीलपर्वते॥ ९॥
    कालिका वङ्गदेशे च अयोध्यायां महेश्वरी।
    वाराणस्यामन्नपूर्णा गयाक्षेत्रे गयेश्वरी॥ १०॥
    कुरुक्षेत्रे भद्रकाली व्रजे कात्यायनी परा।
    द्वारकायां महामाया मथुरायां माहेश्वरी॥ ११॥
    क्षुधा त्वं सर्वभूतानां वेला त्वं सागरस्य च।
    नवमी शुक्लपक्षस्य कृष्णसैकादशी परा॥ १२॥
    दक्षसा दुहिता देवी दक्षयज्ञ विनाशिनी।
    रामस्य जानकी त्वं हि रावणध्वंसकारिणी॥ १३॥
    चण्डमुण्डवधे देवी रक्तबीजविनाशिनी।
    निशुम्भशुम्भमथिनी मधुकैटभघातिनी॥ १४॥
    विष्णुभक्तिप्रदा दुर्गा सुखदा मोक्षदा सदा।
    आद्यास्तवमिमं पुण्यं यः पठेत्‌ सततं नरः॥ १५॥
    सर्वज्वरभयं न स्यात्‌ सर्वव्याधिविनाशनम्‌।
    कोटितीर्थफलं तस्य लभते नात्र संशयः॥ १६॥
    जया मे चाग्रतः पातु विजया पातु पृष्ठतः।
    नारायणी शीर्षदेशे सर्वाङ्गे सिंहवाहिनी॥ १७॥
    शिवदूती उग्रचण्डा प्रत्यङ्गे परमेश्वरी।
    विशालाक्षी महामाया कौमारी सङ्खिनी शिवा॥ १८॥
    चक्रिणी जयधात्री च रणमत्ता रणप्रिया।
    दुर्गा जयन्ती काली च भद्रकाली महोदरी॥ १९॥
    नारसिंही च वाराही सिद्धिदात्री सुखप्रदा।
    भयङ्करी महारौद्री महाभयविनाशिनी॥ १०॥
    इति ब्रह्मयामले ब्रह्मनारदसंवादे आद्या स्तोत्रं समाप्तम्‌॥
    ॥ ॐ नम आद्यायै ॐ नम आद्यायै ॐ नम आद्यायै॥

    || ādyā stotram ||
    om nama ādyāyai |
    śṛṇu vatsa pravakṣyāmi ādyā stotraṁ mahāphalam |
    yaḥ paṭhet satataṁ bhaktyā sa eva viṣṇuvallabhaḥ || 1||
    mṛtyurvyādhibhayaṁ tasya nāsti kiñcit kalau yuge |
    aputrā labhate putraṁ tripakṣaṁ śravaṇaṁ yadi || 2||
    dvau māsau bandhanānmukti viprarvaktrāt śrutaṁ yadi |
    mṛtavatsā jīvavatsā ṣaṇmāsaṁ śravaṇaṁ yadi || 3||
    naukāyāṁ saṅkaṭe yuddhe paṭhanājjayamāpnuyāt |
    likhitvā sthāpayedgehe nāgnicaurabhayaṁ kvacit || 4||
    rājasthāne jayī nityaṁ prasannāḥ sarvadevatā |
    om hrīṁ brahmāṇī brahmaloke ca vaikuṇṭhe sarvamaṅgalā || 5||
    indrāṇī amarāvatyāmavikā varuṇālaye|
    yamālaye kālarūpā kuberabhavane śubhā || 6||
    mahānandāgnikone ca vāyavyāṁ mṛgavāhinī |
    naiṛtyāṁ raktadantā ca aiśāṇyāṁ śūladhāriṇī || 7||
    pātāle vaiṣṇavīrūpā siṁhale devamohinī |
    surasā ca maṇīdvipe laṅkāyāṁ bhadrakālikā || 8||
    rāmeśvarī setubandhe vimalā puruṣottame |
    virajā auḍradeśe ca kāmākṣyā nīlaparvate || 9||
    kālikā vaṅgadeśe ca ayodhyāyāṁ maheśvarī |
    vārāṇasyāmannapūrṇā gayākṣetre gayeśvarī || 10||
    kurukṣetre bhadrakālī vraje kātyāyanī parā |
    dvārakāyāṁ mahāmāyā mathurāyāṁ māheśvarī || 11||
    kṣudhā tvaṁ sarvabhūtānāṁ velā tvaṁ sāgarasya ca |
    navamī śuklapakṣasya kṛṣṇasaikādaśī parā || 12||
    dakṣasā duhitā devī dakṣayajña vināśinī |
    rāmasya jānakī tvaṁ hi rāvaṇadhvaṁsakāriṇī || 13||
    caṇḍamuṇḍavadhe devī raktabījavināśinī |
    niśumbhaśumbhamathinī madhukaiṭabhaghātinī || 14||
    viṣṇubhaktipradā durgā sukhadā mokṣadā sadā |
    ādyāstavamimaṁ puṇyaṁ yaḥ paṭhet satataṁ naraḥ || 15||
    sarvajvarabhayaṁ na syāt sarvavyādhivināśanam |
    koṭitīrthaphalaṁ tasya labhate nātra saṁśayaḥ || 16||
    jayā me cāgrataḥ pātu vijayā pātu pṛṣṭhataḥ |
    nārāyaṇī śīrṣadeśe sarvāṅge siṁhavāhinī || 17||
    śivadūtī ugracaṇḍā pratyaṅge parameśvarī |
    viśālākṣī mahāmāyā kaumārī saṅkhinī śivā || 18||
    cakriṇī jayadhātrī ca raṇamattā raṇapriyā |
    durgā jayantī kālī ca bhadrakālī mahodarī || 19||
    nārasiṁhī ca vārāhī siddhidātrī sukhapradā |
    bhayaṅkarī mahāraudrī mahābhayavināśinī || 10||
    iti brahmayāmale brahmanāradasaṁvāde ādyā stotraṁ samāptam ||
    || om nama ādyāyai om nama ādyāyai om nama ādyāyai ||

  3. Goddess Kali
    Kali is one of the many forms of Shakti. Maha Kaali is the fiercest of all goddesses of Hinduism. The word Kali has its roots in the Sanskrit word "Kaal", which means time. And nothing escapes from time. Goddess Kali is sometimes referred as the goddess of death. But actually Kali brings the death of the ego. Even in the scriptures, she has killed demons but not anyone else. Kali is also not associated with Yama (the Hindu God of Death). Kali is considered a form of mother too. Maa Kali is one of the few Goddesses who are celibate and practice renunciation.

    Goddess Kali and Lord Shiva
    Goddess Kali and Lord Shiva, both are regarded to inhabit cremation grounds. Devotees go to these places to meditate with the purpose of overcoming the ego. The cremation grounds emphasize the idea that the body is temporary. Kali and Shiva are known to stay in cremation grounds because it is our attachment to the body that gives rise to the ego. Kali and Shiva give the idea of liberation by dissolving the illusion of the ego. The corporeal frame ultimately vanishes but the soul still remains. This is emphasized by the scene in the cremation grounds.

    Maa Kali - The Compassionate Goddess
    Maha Kaali is the most compassionate of all the forms of goddesses as she provides salvation or liberation to her children. Kali is equivalent to Shiva because both of them are the destroyers of evil fake and unreal. It is considered that with the glimpse of Maa Kali, ego trembles with terror seeing its own eventual demise in her.

    People who are attached to their ego would not be able to receive the idea of Kali and she will appear in a wrathful form to them. But people, who are engaged in spirituality, removing the illusion of the ego, will find Maha Kaali in a different form. Maa Kali will appear as sweet, affectionate, and overflowing with perplexing love for them.

    Maa Kali - The Image
    Goddess Kali has four arms and hands depicting her immense strength. In two of her hands, she holds a sword and a fresh severed head, representing a great battle in which she defeated the demon Raktabija. The other two hands are there to bless her true devotees, suggesting that they will be saved as she will guide them here and in the hereafter.

    Kali wears a garland made of 52 skulls and a skirt made of dismembered arms because the ego comes out of identification with the body. It suggests that physical body is false and spirit is the only reality. Her black or sometimes dark blue skin represents the womb of the unmanifest from which all of creation is born and into which all of creation will ultimately return. Therefore, the concepts of color, light, dark, good or bad do not apply to her as she is the pure, un-manifested energy, the Adishakti.

    Goddess Kali is seen standing with her one feet on Lord Shiva who is pure formless awareness Sat-Chit-Ananda (being-consciousness-bliss) while Kali represents "form" eternally sustained by the underpinning of pure awareness.

    ( lovingly stolen from - )

  4. A very informative information and lovely Gayatries and the Adya Stotram.

  5. I am devotee of maa dakshina kali ❤️
